A Note from Author Michele Davenport ~
I remember when I first sat down to write Ripened on the Vine, during a 21 day fast. I had no idea how to write a book, never written a book, didn’t know anybody that had written a book, but I knew this, I knew God spoke to me during this fast. He wanted me to share my testimony. I remember when I was writing my husband would come home from work and he would know. He’d say you’ve been writing your story today haven’t you. He knew because y’all, it was painful for many years. I medicated my memory with drugs and alcohol and so when I got sober, met my superman, and fell in love with Jesus he began to heal me. Writing my testimony was one thing he used to heal my heart my deep brokenness. My husband always knew when I was writing because he came home to a wounded woman who was reliving her past sober for the first time. It’s okay that I felt all those feelings. It was okay that I walked down horror street to face them, but this time I wasn’t alone, I had Jesus and it made all the difference on how I interpret my life.
Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
This is exactly what God is doing with my horror story to glory story. He is the God of the turn around. What the enemy meant for harm God is turning it into a movie so many lives will be saved. Amen
Many who will sit in the theaters or see it in prison, churches, or shelters will be sober and maybe for the first time facing some of their own memories without medication. As they watch my memories of my past unfold on the big screen it will be good and God will use it to begin their healing journey as he did mine over three decades ago.
So what does this movie mean to me? Healing, forgiveness, redemption, restore, reunite, and the resolve to know that you’re not alone and that my story is millions of peoples story. We have a voice that needs to be heard, understood, and guided with love and grace to the mercy seat of Christ.
The roadmap above shows how God's promise have been unfolding for thirty years.
Another note from Michele - I was praying one morning thinking about this year (2025) being the thirty-year mark from when God told me my book, Ripened on the Vine would become a movie I was reminded of what the biblical number thirty means. I think you will enjoy the revelation behind the number.
"a symbol of devotion to a particular task or calling.
dedication to a calling or set apart for a specific task.”
Faith Builders Ministry is hosting, A Night of Freedom Gala. If you’re interested in attending and supporting us to make our resource film which will bring hope to millions through drawing awareness to domestic and sexual violence here’s some more information. The gala is also giving a percent of its proceeds to Hope Haven, a shelter for women, children, and their pets in Cass County, Missouri.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us: [email protected]
Exciting news from Unveil Studios, who Michele has been working with on the resource film, Washed by Water. They are currently working on the biblical creation, Daniel.
Interested in reading Author Michele Davenport's first book and testimony?
You can own a copy of Ripened on the Vine, please click the link > https://a.co/d/inWg0pQ
You can own a copy of Ripened on the Vine, please click the link > https://a.co/d/inWg0pQ